
How to properly set up my AI assistant


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In this article, we will review the different sections of the AI SmartTalk tool configuration form, with a particular focus on the biography and authorized domains. We will examine how these sections impact generative AI and how to configure them correctly to optimize the security and performance of your AI assistant.

Name and Avatar

The first section of the form concerns the name of your AI assistant. It is essential to choose a name that reflects the function or personality you want to give to your assistant. You can also customize the appearance of your assistant by uploading a profile picture. To do this, click on the default avatar (the circle with your assistant’s initial) and select an image of your choice. This image will contribute to giving a unique visual identity to your AI assistant.


Importance of Biography

The biography is a critical section of your configuration form. It defines the tone and personality of your AI assistant. The biography directly impacts generative AI by providing clues about the type of language and vocabulary to use.

How Biography Impacts Generative AI

Generative AI uses the biography to adjust its responses and behavior. A well-written biography helps the AI understand the approach it should take, whether it’s a professional, friendly, technical, or other approach. Here’s how different types of biographies can influence the tone and vocabulary of generative AI:

Examples of Biographies for Different Domains

  1. Fitness :
  • “Hi fitness enthusiasts! 🏋️‍♀️ I’m here to help you achieve your fitness goals. Ask me your questions about exercises, nutrition, and more! 💪 I use fitness emojis and a relaxed tone.”
  • Impact : The AI will use a motivating tone and dynamic language, including emojis to make interactions more engaging.
  1. E-commerce :
  • “Welcome to our online store! 🛒 I’m here to help you find the best deals and available products. Feel free to ask me for advice! I adopt a friendly tone and use emojis to create a welcoming atmosphere.”
  • Impact : The AI will adopt a tone focused on customer service and product recommendations, with emojis to create a welcoming atmosphere.
  1. Real Estate :
  • “Hello! 🏠 I’m your virtual real estate advisor. I’m here to answer all your questions about our listings and help you find your dream home. I use a professional and warm tone, with emojis to humanize interactions.”
  • Impact : The AI will use a professional but warm tone, with emojis to humanize interactions and make the experience more enjoyable.

Use of Emojis

Emojis can play a significant role in personalizing the user experience. Our generative AI is capable of using emojis to add a touch of personality and emotion to conversations. They can make interactions more engaging and help convey feelings or intentions visually and immediately.

Need help with the biography?

Uncertain about writing the biography of your AI assistant? No problem! Ask our chatbot located at the bottom of the page to generate a personalized biography for you. It is there to guide you and ensure that your AI assistant adopts the tone and style that best suits your needs.

Authorized Domains

Importance of Authorized Domains

Authorized domains are crucial for the security of your AI assistant. They restrict access to the assistant’s API to specific domains or IP addresses. This functionality is essential to ensure that your AI assistant is only accessible in approved environments and to prevent it from being used on undesired sites.

Configuration of Authorized Domains

To configure authorized domains, you need to enter the URLs of the websites where your AI assistant is allowed to operate. For example, if you want your AI assistant to only be active on your official site, you will add:

  • https://yoursiteofficial.com

This ensures that the AI assistant cannot be embedded or called from unapproved domains, reducing security risks and abuse.


Once all the information is entered, don’t forget to click on the “Update” button to save your changes.


Properly configuring the biography and authorized domains in the AI SmartTalk form is essential to personalize the user experience and ensure the security of your AI assistant. By adjusting these settings, you can positively influence how generative AI interacts with users and protect your assistant from unwanted uses.


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